About Us

Amanecer Health Systems (AHS) is committed to assist individuals to achieve a successful recovery and to help others to be able to manage their symptoms in an efficient manner including any level of care from mild to severe.

AHS philosophy sets first and foremost the recovery of every consumer by an individualized treatment. Our goals include providing: a good Customer Service, a great Quality of Care and to Accountability of services offered by each professional in the care of a client.

We specialize in Outpatient Mental Health Services with the purpose of promoting recovery to mental illness and emotional disturbances. While adhering to the Health and Human Services Commission as the primarily guide for mental health in Texas, we strive for assisting our Children and Adolescents to overcome behavioral and emotional struggles as caused by different conditions. At the same time, we encourage clients through the treatment being offered to focus on meaningful activities, participate in society by forming health relationships that provide them support and love, and by living a fulfilling life!

Amanecer Health Systems is associated with Atlantis Health Services, which has been under the supervision of Dr. Jean R. Joseph-Vanderpool, a well-known Psychiatrist who has contributed with his services to the Community of El Paso, Texas for over 20 years.